Bears Without Borders is a 501(c)3 US non-profit dedicated to the delivery of toys and other materials for the benefit of children world-wide. The organization was founded by two graduate students at Harvard University and MIT in honor of their wedding in order to share the joy they felt with others. Please have a look at what we've done and what we are doing. We'd love for you to get involved in some of our projects, or to help us think of new ones!
We use specially designated funds ONLY for the specially designated purpose. No one working with the organization receives any sort of salary - it's strictly volunteer for everyone involved. Miscellaneous expenses come only out of general funds - if you donate a teddy bear, all of your donation will go to purchase and send that teddy bear to a child, not for anything else. If there are monies left over, it all goes towards the next teddy bear. The same goes for all of our products.

to a technical problem, some donors may have received a delayed
shipping notice. We are working to fix this issue. Thanks
for your patience
Founders Featured!
In recognition of their work, featured Aviva and Erez on their "Heroes" page. Check out the article here.
recognition of their work, Do One Nice Thing chose to feature Aviva and
Erez as their D1NT Nice People for the weeks of June 23 - July 5!
Check out the article here.
Easy Ways to Help...
Donate online! We have a convenient
online store.
Participate in the program of your choice - buy a teddy bear for a
child, send a book to an orphaned schoolchild, or donate a goat to an
impoverished family in Rwanda. You can also make a general
donation to Bears Without Borders through this site. We will send
you or your honoree an acknowledgement of your gift!
Do your web searches using!
You get all the power of the Yahoo! search engine and at the same time
donate $0.01 for every search you do, with no cost to you! Just
enter Bears Without Borders as the group you are supporting.
Thanks very much!